December 20, 2023
How Dinko Valerio became a Dutch biotech icon with Crucell, ProQR Therapeutics, & Leyden Labs

00:22:35 – The first couple of years are decisive for your company. I’d say that the decisions you make then are irreversible: the people you choose to surround yourself with, the shareholders you pick, etc. In biotechnology, you need to be the best in order to be meaningful and to get your products recognised worldwide. Hence, you need to hire first-class talent to be able to create such products. The interesting thing is that you only need the first hire to be top-tier because that’s when you set a standard for years to come. So all the next hires will be of a similar level since you’ve got that high benchmark in your team already.
00:30:08 – Yeah, that’s a great question. I typically ask entrepreneurs to imagine in their heads who would their dream candidates be. All founders I asked have a clear profile of such an ideal candidate. So then my next question is ‘What are you waiting for’? I personally believe that great talent is not scarce, you just have to know where to look for it.
00:32:23 – The story is very simple in the biotech business. When they serve cookies, you eat cookies, and you are not afraid to be diluted. If you’re afraid to be diluted, you’re in the wrong business. In that case, you should start a business that you can actually run and grow yourself. In tech that is possible, but it’s not possible in biotech. The dilution will be massive in any case. It’s better to come with the right expectations. If you negotiate, negotiate till the very end and then raise money. And if you can raise more, do that, don’t settle for less.
00:22:35 – The first couple of years are decisive for your company. I’d say that the decisions you make then are irreversible: the people you choose to surround yourself with, the shareholders you pick, etc. In biotechnology, you need to be the best in order to be meaningful and to get your products recognised worldwide. Hence, you need to hire first-class talent to be able to create such products. The interesting thing is that you only need the first hire to be top-tier because that’s when you set a standard for years to come. So all the next hires will be of a similar level since you’ve got that high benchmark in your team already.
00:30:08 – Yeah, that’s a great question. I typically ask entrepreneurs to imagine in their heads who would their dream candidates be. All founders I asked have a clear profile of such an ideal candidate. So then my next question is ‘What are you waiting for’? I personally believe that great talent is not scarce, you just have to know where to look for it.
00:32:23 – The story is very simple in the biotech business. When they serve cookies, you eat cookies, and you are not afraid to be diluted. If you’re afraid to be diluted, you’re in the wrong business. In that case, you should start a business that you can actually run and grow yourself. In tech that is possible, but it’s not possible in biotech. The dilution will be massive in any case. It’s better to come with the right expectations. If you negotiate, negotiate till the very end and then raise money. And if you can raise more, do that, don’t settle for less.