December 21, 2023
Bringing together an exceptional and diverse tech community

Inclusion is a skill, which ought to be continuously built upon. It is behaviour you can develop by sharing practices and experiences, focusing not only on the demographics but especially by valuing each others’ differences. Currently, there are various silos of exceptional communities, from female to LGBTQ+ that are working towards their goals separately from each other. A strong connection between communities can result in the sharing of stories and insights, and help avoid the re-inventing of the wheel when tackling the overarching challenge of inclusivity.
Being an exception creates resilience. Being aware of that unique identity, there is a strong urge to share one’s own story with the mentality that it can inspire others. Turning your difference into a differentiator. Sharing stories and experiences is a way of learning and can build bridges by showing that leadership can take on many shapes and forms.
Everyone faces different challenges, but all these leaders who are not the norm strive towards the same goal of inclusion. Once conquered, we should use those challenges as growth paths. These stories and experiences show resilience but change needs to be pushed and can only happen if people actually care.
Identities matter and it is a challenge in the ecosystem to feel safe enough to show all your identities. It is comforting to know you are not alone in this battle and we should support each other more in our diversity. It is valuable to connect with exceptional, intersectional identities because even though we do not all have the same one, we can help each other. It is sometimes scary but doors do open when showing your whole identity.
Behind every person, there is an interesting story that should be listened to. A community of exceptional people gives a chance to celebrate successes, beyond the current, one-sighted scope of success. This community can shine a light on different views and lenses, sharing valuable insights.
Tech is a component that connects this group and it matters that they work in tech, as it contributes to their purpose to better the world. It is an important driver fuelling the need to better the future and the Netherlands. Tech can have a wide impact as it is scalable on a global level and increases sustainability in longevity. The tech mindset should be disrupted, not only the industry. In many ways there is an unhealthy representation of what it is to be the ‘hottest’ founder out there, working 24/7.