February 17, 2022
The key takeaways and learnings from IGNITE | 2022 Techleap Summit

Moderated by Christina Caljé
Constantijn: With this event, we aim to celebrate the great results that the Dutch tech ecosystem has achieved so far as well as address the gaps that are still present and need our collective attention and action.
Essentially, we see three core areas that need an urgent extra push to bring the Dutch tech ecosystem to a desired leading position:
Tech entrepreneurs need our support in tackling the world’s biggest challenges. We need to invest in people who think differently, bigger, faster.
How was 2021 for the Dutch tech scene?
Does ambition define a successful entrepreneur?
Constantijn: Ambition plays a big role in entrepreneurial success. If founders are ambitious, they can raise capital beyond the Netherlands. Of course, the government and other stakeholders play a big role in facilitating the right climate and it’s ultimately about the entrepreneur’s ambition in going up and above the set boundaries.
Janneke: To me, there isn’t one profile of the Dutch founder – but I tend to see Dutch founders, especially at the pre-seed stage, asking for less capital than they should. So they are equally ambitious with their goals but end up asking for less funding than they might need to scale bigger and faster. This is a problem because if you don’t ask for enough money at the pre-seed stage, it will be so much more difficult to eventually raise more funding in the seed round. Dutch entrepreneurs should ask for the capital that would match their ambitions in order to make those ambitions happen.
That said I would recommend Dutch entrepreneurs to look elsewhere if they are not able to find a Netherlands-based investor that would match their ambition.
Derk: I want to reinforce that the Netherlands has an amazing infrastructure and support system to grow startups, but we need to see it as a launching pad, and not the only market to conquer.
Where does the Netherlands currently stand at?
Employee ownership is important both as an instrument for talent attraction and retention, as well as an instrument for better wealth distribution which in turn will get the flywheel spinning.
What are some of the changes you’d like to see happening within the ecosystem?
Janneke: We’ve seen the stats on the employee diversity within tech in the Netherlands and I think it’s a matter of hiring more women and minorities, not only talking about the existing gap. When you look at our education system, starting from elementary school, there are lots of things that need to be revisited there, such as introducing some more 21-st century skills to the curriculum.
Constantijn: Getting policy changes towards more favourable conditions of employee participation approved by the government is a lengthy and challenging process. Nevertheless, we at Techleap strongly believe that employee stock options are the best way for startups to compete with big tech companies in attracting and retaining qualified employees. We will therefore continue to push for the adoption of a competitive solution and fair tax rate for employee stocks by the government. Why should employees pay a different tax rate than founders and investors?
Derk: I think every tech founder should endorse the idea of offering stock options to their employees. Working at a startup tends to be chaotic and it’s fair to reward your employees for being on this journey with you.
Moderator: Christina Caljé – Entrepreneur, Investor & Advocate
Speakers: Frederik Mijnhardt – CEO, Secfi | Janneke Niessen – Founding Partner, CapitalT
Key takeaways:
Where does the Netherlands stand now?
How to navigate this early-stage funding gap in the Netherlands?
Derk: I believe with a great team and a shining business plan, you wouldn’t have to search for investors very long. I believe it’s crucial to connect with other founders who have gone through the same challenges as yourself. Be deliberate who you reach out to and surround yourself with people who believe in your story.
Janneke: It’s great that international VCs come to the Netherlands, it shows the potential that exists here. At CapitalT we try to cooperate with them whenever we can. Having foreign investors also incentivises Dutch VCs to keep up with modern practices and even contribute to removing the ridiculous, outdated investment terms that still exist in our ecosystem.
Moderator: Maurice van Tilburg – Managing Director, Techleap
Speakers: Nienke Vledder – Senior Portfolio manager Private Investments, ABP Dutch Energy Transition Fund – APG Asset Management | Rune Theill -Co-Founder and CEO, Rockstart | Tjarda Molenaar – Managing Director, Dutch Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (NVP)
Key takeaways:
Moderator: Constantijn van Oranje – Special Envoy, Techleap
Speakers: Bao-Y van Cong – Investment Director, Target Global | Robert Verwaayen – Co-Founder and General Partner, Keen Venture Capital | Marie-Helene Ametsreiter – General Partner, Industrial Tech, Speedinvest
Key takeaways:
Where does Dutch deeptech currently stand?
What would make the Dutch deeptech sector truly competitive?
The first priority should lie on creating the best possible environment and infrastructure for market and product development.
Constantijn: We have a growing venture-capital sector that is focusing on deeptech, but it’s still pretty small. Talking from the government & universities’ perspectives, it is important to invest in science. But if you want to transfer science into business, and generate real societal impact, you have to look at what scientists and entrepreneurs need to create successful businesses. We can learn a lot from other countries where the deeptech sector is more developed, such as the US and Israel for example. We need a culture shift, in which we are proud of academics that spin out deeptech companies and where this becomes ordinary university practice.
Also, we should celebrate when a research concept, funded by public money, is transformed into a successful business because we need more repeat entrepreneurs in academia and the capital generated by these companies will flow back into science and universities eventually.
However, this takes more than just the universities. Therefore we initiated Science2Impact to work with all stakeholders to improve tech transfer in the Netherlands.
Moderator: Anne Strobos – Director of Technologies, Techleap
Speakers: Crijn Bouman – Co-founder and CEO at Rocsys | Sven Bakkes – Founding Partner, LUMO Labs, Marissa de Boer, Co-founder and CEO at Susphos
Key takeaways: What needs to be done to get the flywheel spinning?
Constantijn: We at Techleap are shifting our current problem-oriented approach towards actively building a strong and self-sustained community that would support each other without necessarily the intervention of third parties like us. For that to happen, we need more knowledge-sharing to take place between relevant ecosystem stakeholders.
Obviously, we will continue working on pushing forward the implementation of favourable terms for employee stock options on a policy level. And lastly, we’ll look into facilitating more diversity across the ecosystem – it’s a rather difficult matter, but we strongly believe that to be able to build successful international companies, you need to have a diverse culture.