August 16, 2021
Are you a startup looking for funding?

There are 3 categories for startups:
Please note: this is an overview, not a rating system (the order is based on signup).
You can scroll through the different overviews to see, for example, what their service is, which sector they specialise in and what their cost structure looks like. If you want more information about one of the Allies, you can contact them through their website.
Techleap is independent – we don’t do matchmaking. With this initiative, we simply guide startups to our website where they, themselves, can find the right partner. Check it out yourself.
Please note: this is an overview, not a rating system (the order is based on signup).
Are you a Funding Ally? And do you want to be in the overview as well? You can register by filling this form. After you have filled in the form, you need to ask for 3 recommendations from startups. You can send them this survey. If both (survey + 3 recommendations) are completed and match the criteria, you will become visible in our Funding Allies overview.
We want to make sure the startups are getting the level of support they need. If you would like to share your experience about one of the existing funding allies in the overview: please fill in this recommendation form.